3-Point Hitch Mount Products
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*We do not sell direct to customers. Listed above are the products we offer at our recommended MSRP (not including freight and set-up costs). Please contact your local dealer with our easy to use, "Find a dealer" tab on our menu page. Click on the products above for a detailed description of each individual product that we offer.
3-point hitch Model Benefits
Breaking Down The Model
Designed for row crop application
Avoid Damaging Your Crop

Use Less Chemical
University Tested & Approved

Alternative To Spot Spraying

This model was originally designed as an alternative to spot spraying in row crops. The unit is designed to drive in between the rows so you do not damage your crop.


This unit comes ready to go. While you have to assemble the unit when you receive it, you do not need any additional pumps, parts or tanks to get started because it is included in your purchase.

Adjust the height on the go

Our 3-point hitch model can be adjusted on the go by simply raising and lowering your 3-point hitch! This makes the unit particularly friendly for applications where you need to adjust your height on the go.
How Does It Work?
Everything You Need To Know About Using This Model

Understanding the Feeding System
This pump fed system uses a manifold to feed your sponges (# of ports will vary by the size of your boom) Each sponge will be individually fed from the manifold, therefore, there is no flow across the boom. The manifold system is powered by your pump, when you switch the pump to off, the manifold will cut off the flow to your sponges. This system will come with the tubing and plumbing needed to operate your weed wiper. It is important during the install to make sure all of your feed lines are cut at the same length to ensure even chemical distribution. See your instruction manual for more information.
Operating Instructions
See video above for installation instruction. For operation, start by mixing your preferred chemical solution to attack your resistant weeds. Since you are applying chemical directly onto the taller growing weeds, you can use a variety of chemicals at specific mix rates. For Round up, please follow the labels recommended 33% mix for weed wiper application. For Gramoxone, please use a 50% concentrate. For all other products, please follow the label or consult your field rep. Then, you will fill your tank with your mix over a safe area (Example: cement). Keep in mind that you will use significantly less chemical with a weed wiper. Once your tank is full, run a hose of fresh water over your sponges to get them saturated. After saturating the sponges, we recommend wringing out the sponges to get the excess water out of the system. This process helps ensure that the chemical will evenly distribute across each sponge when you begin to run your pump. Next, while over a safe area, turn on your pump for a few seconds to fill your sponges. The time needed to fill your sponges completely will vary because of size and pump models. However, your initial fill over safe ground will give you a better idea how long you will need to run your pump to fill your sponges. Run the system right up till the point where the sponges begin to drip. Once you have reached that point, simply turn off the solution and head into your field. During application, you can simply turn on your pump for a few seconds to re-fill your sponges on the go. Read the testimonies to hear about just how effective and easy to use our weed wipers are in the field. Give us a call if you have more questions.

What Chemical Should I Use?
Find out what thousands of satisfied customers are using
A lot of people ask us the question, what should I use in my sponge weed wiper? While we are drift free application experts, we are not chemical experts. However, we can share with you the latest trends on what thousands of customers are currently using in our weed wipers. Most chemicals can be used in our weed wipers, however, always check with your chemical expert to discuss the best chemical option for your drift free weed wiping application.
Environmentally Friendly Option
Are you worried about chemical drift? Our sponges can be used on the windiest of days. If you are an organic grower, ask your local certifier about non-selective organic options that can be used through a Smucker Weed Wiper.
Going After Resistant Weeds?
There are now over 20 varieties of Round-up resistant weeds worldwide. If you have resistant weeds like marestail and pigweed... many of our current customers are using products like Gramoxone and 2-4-D. Gramoxone by Syngenta is labeled for use in cotton, beans and peanuts in most states at a 50% rate. Please use caution when using this chemical and contact your local field rep for specific questions about chemical use. However, many customers are currently using this product to fight off the resistant weeds.
Most Popular Option
It's always best to follow the label for drift free weed wiping applications or consult your field rep. However, most chemicals can be used in our weed wipers. The most common product to use in a wiper is Glyphosate (Round-Up). The manufacturing label recommends a 33% mix rate, however, please follow your label for mix rates . Please note that a good surfactant like Sur-Tec (free sample provided with every weed wiper purchase) can enhance the performance of the chemical of choice. Each kit will come with a free 4 ounce sample of Sur-Tec Herbicide Enhancer/Surfactant. You can order this product online or purchase through your closest weed wiper dealer.
*It’s important to remember that the ratio of herbicide to water can vary depending on the weeds to be controlled, the time of year, and the temperature. Contact your chemical field rep or extension service for best herbicide mix and or surfactant for specific weed and crop conditions.